Use of Ammonium ferric citrate
Ammonium Ferric Citrate is a compound with the formula (NH4)5[Fe(C6H4O7)2] has a distinguishing feature which is that it is too much soluble in water whereas ferric citrate is less soluble in water.
Each moiety of citric acid with its Crystal structure has
lost four protons. The deprotonated hydroxyl group & 2 of the carboxylate
groups ligate to the ferric center, while the 3rd carboxylate group coordinates
with the ammonium.
Use of Ammonium ferric
Ammonium ferric
citrate is used as a food ingredient. It has INS number & is used as an
acidity regulator. Widely used in the Scottish beverage aka Irn-Bru.
Also used for
purifying water.
Ammonium ferric
citrate is used as a reducing agent of metal salts of low activity like silver
& gold.
Also used with
potassium ferricyanide, part of the photographic process (cyanotype)
It is used as a
contrast medium in medical imaging.
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